Public Workshops

FALL 2024
Facilitating DEI Discussions: Essential Skills for Constructive Conversations

A Three-Part Live, Virtual Workshop

Description: Formally and informally, people are expected to facilitate discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues in their schools, organizations and communities. Topics can range from racial justice to LGBTQ+ issues, immigration, and women's rights. However, many individuals feel ill-prepared to effectively manage these conversations and address the common dynamics that occur, such as defensiveness, microaggressions, strong emotions, and inequitable participation. Yet, the ability to have constructive conversations about these issues is crucial for our collective well-being and social change. Fortunately, there are skills we can learn to increase our effectiveness in facilitating these discussions.

Participants can expect to: 

  • Understand how your own social identities impact your facilitation.
  • Build and practice essential skills for facilitating DEI conversations.
  • Be able to identify and address common group and power dynamics in DEI conversations.
  • Develop ways to manage yourself during DEI discussions.
  • Increase competence, confidence, and comfort in facilitating DEI conversations.

Workshop Format: These three half-day workshops build upon each other; it is important to attend all three sessions. The sessions are live, virtual, and highly interactive. Participants will actively practice the skills they are learning and additional resources will be provided. 

Who May Benefit: Anyone who formally or informally facilitates or leads conversations about DEI issues, including but not limited to:

  • HR professionals
  • Educators/Faculty
  • DEI committee members
  • Diversity Officers
  • ERG facilitators
  • Organizational and community leaders
  • Group facilitators
  • DEI trainers

This workshop is suitable for both newcomers to facilitating DEI topics and experienced individuals looking to refresh, enhance, and practice their skills. Please note that this workshop focuses on facilitation skills for leading group conversations and is not a train-the-trainer for delivering specific content in workshops. Participants are expected to have basic DEI knowledge.

Dates: Fridays–Oct. 18, Nov. 1 and Nov. 18

Time: 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM ET

Cost: Sliding scale: $100-300

Please consider your own resources and if you have institutional support. If cost is a barrier for you, please let us know, and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.

To register:

Join us for an impactful workshop series that will equip you with the skills and confidence to facilitate discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization and community. 


Spring/Summer 2024
BUILDING BLOCKS FOR EQUITY: Capacity building workshops to foster justice and belonging wherever you are

I’m taking some of the most popular topics I discuss with my clients and offering them as public workshops.  Every month or so, I’ll offer a live, virtual, 90 min. workshop to help people increase their capacity to foster equity and inclusion in all sorts of contexts, across different identities and forms of oppression. These workshops will be participatory and experiential, since reading/watching/listening only takes you so far.  Benefit from personal reflection, small and large group discussion, Q and A, and presentation in a supportive environment.  I’ll regularly be rolling out new workshops on topics such as responding to microaggressions, talking about challenging topics, using our privilege for good, utilizing an equity lens. Come increase your awareness, knowledge and skills, gain some new tools, and meet other people who also care about these issues. Everyone welcome. Attend one workshop or many.

April 15, 2024 It’s Not about Guilt and Shame: The benefits of unlearning oppression when we’re part of the dominant group. 

There has been much discussion about how having white people learn about racism causes harm and discomfort. Similar arguments can be made about the impact on other dominant groups (men, heterosexuals, cisgender people) learning about other forms of oppression (sexism, heterosexism, trans oppression). However, many people have found the process of learning/unlearning valuable and liberating many ways. Come learn about the benefits so you can be supported on your own journey and encourage others.

May 8, 2024  Examining Patterns of Power: Exploring common dynamics for dominant and marginalized groups

While every form of oppression is unique, there are some common experiences for people in dominant and marginalized groups.  When we can notice and name these dynamics, we can be more self-aware, and interrupt and change them. Learn what to look for and see how these patterns are manifesting in your environments.

June 5, 2024 Moving from an Individual to a Structural Analysis: Understanding and addressing inequities

Often, we focus on the individuals when we try to address social issues and inequalities, yet that doesn’t account for the other larger forces at work (history, ideology, institutional bias).  We will discuss and practice applying a framework that utilizes a structural analysis (I’ll explain what that is!) that can lead to better understanding, strategies, and outcomes.

July 17, 2024 Improving Conversations Across Difference: Building more authentic relationships

Many of us would like to have constructive and honest conversations with people whose social identities are different from ours and may be positioned differently in systems of oppression. Yet, we may unintentionally engage in behaviors that impede cross-group connections and erode trust. We will identify and examine what helps and hinders creating and sustaining authentic relationships across difference.

Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pmET.

Fee: $15/ workshop. No one turned away based on ability to pay.

Workshop will not be recorded.

TO REGISTER: What past participants have said:

“The workshops were a wonderful experience. Diane creates a safe space for all to share, learn, think and feel. I would highly recommend these workshops to anyone looking to increase their awareness around how to show up in a world where racial justice matters and all of us have the power to create change.”

"In a gentle, open, yet honest manner, Diane Goodman challenges your assumptions about race and what you think you know about it via questions you ask yourself, each other, and lessons carefully prepared and easily understood. There is nothing judgmental about these sessions, and I have always learned a lot."

“This was a wonderful opportunity to explore my bias...what and how and what next! Diane is warm and helped me to look at myself without judgement.”


Winter 2024
Two Anti-Racism Workshop Series for White People

Part of the project, Doing Our Own Work: White People Learning, Healing, and Acting for Racial Justice*

Foundational Anti-Racism Series

The Fundamentals of Understanding Racism and Ourselves as White or How to Feel Less Uncomfortable and Stupid about Race

This workshop series is for white-identified people who are seeking some foundational work on understanding race, racism, and whiteness. We will review some key concepts and terminology, discuss systemic as well as personal racism, provide opportunities to reflect on our own racial identities and experiences, and identify ways to continue the process of unlearning racism and fostering racial equity.

1)  Jan. 29, 2024  Racial Socialization--How we learned racism and how to be white

2)  Feb. 5, 2024  Systemic Racism--Past and Present: Understanding current racial inequalities

3)  Feb. 12, 2024  Allyship and Creating Change--Ways to address racism and foster racial justice wherever we are

To register:

Going Deeper Anti-Racism Series

Living into Our Values

This workshop series is for white-identified people who have already done some learning/unlearning about racism and are ready to do a deeper exploration. These workshops address how we can align our behavior with our anti-racist intentions and provide participants with the opportunity to do some personal work and reflection.

1) Feb. 26, 2024  Unlearning Internalized Racism Part 1--How we’ve absorbed and enact white supremacy culture and what we can do differently.

2) March 4, 2024  Unlearning Internalized Racism Part 2--Recognizing and shifting attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate racism.

3) March 11, 2024  Intersectional Whiteness--how our other dominant and marginalized identities shape our whiteness and anti-racism work.

To register:

Mondays from 6:30-8:00pmET.  Optional Q and A: 8:00-8:30pm.

Fee: $15/workshop. $35 for all 3 in a series. No one turned away based on ability to pay. A certificate of completion is available if all 3 sessions in a series are attended.

These live, virtual workshops are experiential and interactive, providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment to explore racism on personal and structural levels. The workshops are being offered as a series so sessions will build on each other. People are encouraged to attend all sessions, though people may attend any number. They will not be recorded.

* People of color have called on white people to educate each other so they don’t always have to. These workshops are designed particularly for white people so we can do our own work without relying on people of color to teach us or take care of us.  As we become more conscious and skilled, we can more productively engage in multi-racial contexts and create more authentic relationships across race.

Can We Talk?: Having Constructive Conversations about Challenging Issues
FREE Virtual Webinar

Wed. Jan. 10, 2024  7:00-8:30pmET

Many people avoid discussing challenging issues because they are unclear about how to do so in a constructive way. While there is no magic answer for ensuring a productive conversation, there are frameworks, processes, and skills that can be useful. In this experiential, live, virtual workshop, participants will learn and practice the Straight A’s process for discussing challenging issues. (This process can be helpful for facilitating discussions as well.) We will particularly focus on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Practice in small groups will be integrated into the workshop so please be prepared to engage (and have cameras on.) After the first hour, during which will review and practice the Straight A's model, there will be an optional Q and A.

Date: Wed. Jan. 10, 2024

Time: 6:30-8:00pmET  

           6:30-7:30pm—Presentation and Small Group Practice

           7:30-8:00—additional optional Q and A.

This event will not be recorded.

Cost: FREE

To register:


What Do I Say Now?: Strategies for Addressing Microaggressions and Bias


Tues. Dec. 5, 2023  7-8:30pm ET

What can we do when we receive, witness, or enact a microaggression (everyday, often unintentional, comments and behaviors that are hurtful to people from marginalized groups)?  What do we need to consider when deciding on the most appropriate and effective response?  This free, live, virtual webinar will review what microaggressions are and their impact, and then provide a range of practical strategies for addressing them. Since there is no one way to effectively respond in all situations, we need a toolbox of skills at our disposable. After the first hour, attendees can stay for another half-hour to practice in small groups and engage in further Q and A. Attendees will leave with range of approaches they can draw on and share with others.

We’ll cover:

  • Definition and examples of microaggressions
  • The impact of microaggressions
  • Considerations when deciding on a response
  • A range of responses for different situations
  • How to apologize when enacting a microaggression
  • Questions and answers
  • Opportunity for practice

7-8pm ET--Presentation and Q and A.  8-8:30pm practice in small groups and additional Q and A.

Where-Virtual On Zoom



This webinar will not be recorded.  Got to be there!

Diane’s work on microaggressions has been cited in the NYTimes and Working Woman Magazine, referenced in various books and resources, and used by countless individuals. She has been doing training, consulting, speaking, and writing on diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice issues for 40 years.

Facilitating DEI Discussions: Essential Skills for Constructive Conversations

A Three-Part Workshop

Description: Formally and informally, people are expected to facilitate discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues in their schools, organizations and communities. Topics can range from racial justice to LGBTQ+ issues, immigration, and women's rights. However, many individuals feel ill-prepared to effectively manage these conversations and address the common dynamics that occur, such as defensiveness, microaggressions, strong emotions, and inequitable participation. Yet, the ability to have constructive conversations about these issues is crucial for our collective well-being and social change. Fortunately, there are skills we can learn to increase our effectiveness in facilitating these discussions.

Participants can expect to: 

  • Understand how your own social identities impact your facilitation.
  • Build and practice essential skills for facilitating DEI conversations.
  • Be able to identify and address common group and power dynamics in DEI conversations.
  • Develop ways to manage yourself during DEI discussions.
  • Increase competence, confidence, and comfort in facilitating DEI conversations.

Workshop Format: These three half-day workshops build upon each other; it is important to attend all three sessions. The sessions are live, virtual, and highly interactive. Participants will actively practice the skills they are learning and additional resources will be provided. 

Who May Benefit: Anyone who formally or informally facilitates or leads conversations about DEI issues, including but not limited to:

  • HR professionals
  • Educators/Faculty
  • DEI committee members
  • Diversity Officers
  • ERG facilitators
  • Organizational and community leaders
  • Group facilitators
  • DEI trainers

This workshop is suitable for both newcomers to facilitating DEI topics and experienced individuals looking to refresh, enhance, and practice their skills. Please note that this workshop focuses on facilitation skills for leading group conversations and is not a train-the-trainer for delivering specific content in workshops. Participants are expected to have basic DEI knowledge.

Dates: Fridays–September 29, October 13, and October 27 

Time: 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM ET

Cost: Sliding scale: $150-350

Please consider your own resources and if you have institutional support. If cost is a barrier for you, please let us know, and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.

To register:

Join us for an impactful workshop series that will equip you with the skills and confidence to facilitate discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization and community. Let's work together for a more inclusive and equitable future.

Doing Our Own Work: White People Learning, Healing, and Acting for Racial Equity*
Understanding Racism and Ourselves as White: The Basics (or how to feel less uncomfortable and stupid about race)

Feb. 13 - Implicit Bias and Microaggressions: Identifying our unconscious biases and how they show up

Feb. 27- Addressing Racial Microaggressions: Tools for responding and apologizing

March 6 – Talking with Other White People about Racism: Strategies for more constructive conversations

March 13 - How Racism Harms White People and What We Have to Gain from Unlearning and Eliminating It: Exploring Our Shared Liberation

These workshops are being held on Mondays from 6:30-8pm EST.


March 19 - Aligning Our Behavior with Our Values: Working through Beliefs and Behaviors that Get in Our Way

This workshop will be held Sunday 3-6pm EDT.

People can attend just one or all of the sessions. They will not be recorded.

These workshop are intended for white-identified people who are seeking to better understand racism and whiteness and develop their capacity to be more effective agents for racial equity. These live, virtual workshops are experiential and interactive, providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment to explore racism on personal and structural levels. They are an opportunity not just to gain content knowledge but do the personal work to embody the learnings. Workshops will include presentation, media, personal reflection, mindfulness practices, and small and whole group discussion. After each workshop, participants will receive some additional resources to continue the learning.

Suggested donation: $10/workshop. $25.00 for 3-hour workshop on March. 19 No one turned away based on ability to pay. Facilitated by Diane J. Goodman, Ed.D.

Register here.

Zoom link and payment information will be provided to those registered shortly before the workshop.

For more information, email

If you are not able to attend these workshops but are interested in attending at another time or would like me to come to your community or organization, please let me know.

What participants are saying:

"I really appreciate the open conversation, with no judgement."

"In a gentle, open, yet honest manner, Diane Goodman challenges your assumptions about race and what you think you know about it via questions you ask yourself, each other, and lessons carefully prepared and easily understood. There is nothing judgmental about these sessions, and I have always learned a lot."

"I’ve benefited from dialogue between generations and very informative."


The Fundamentals of Understanding Racism and Ourselves as White

This workshop will provide some foundational work on understanding race, racism, and whiteness.  It will review some key concepts and terminology, discuss systemic as well as personal racism, provide opportunities to reflect on our own racial identities and experiences, and identify ways to continue the process of unlearning racism and fostering racial equity. The workshop will address

A brief history of racism and whiteness—how the past shapes the present
Racial socialization—how we learn the significance of race and what it means to be white
How race, racism, and whiteness impact our daily lives
Next steps in unlearning racism and supporting racial equity

A Deeper Dive into Racism, Whiteness, and Racial Equity
If you’re wondering:

  • How can I become aware of and change my patterns of behavior that interfere with my commitment to anti-racism?
  • How do other white people navigate challenging situations regarding race and racism?
  • What should I do when…….?

This workshop will address:

  • How we have internalized and enact whiteness
  • Ways we exhibit white fragility and other unproductive behaviors
  • How to engage more productively in cross-race relationships and work for racial justice
  • Next steps in our racial equity journey
The Fundamentals of Understanding Racism and Ourselves as White

This workshop series is for white-identified people who are seeking some foundational work on understanding race, racism, and whiteness. These live, virtual workshops will provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment to explore racism on personal and structural levels. They are experiential and interactive, utilizing presentation, media, and small and large group discussions.

  • Racial Socialization—How we learned racism and how to be white (Jan. 30)
  • Systemic Racism: Past and Present—Understanding current racial inequalities (Feb. 13)
  • Implicit Bias and Microaggressions—How we internalize and enact racial bias (Feb. 27)
  • Patterns of White People that Perpetuate Racism—How to align our good intentions with our behavior (March 13)
  • Allyship and Creating Change—Ways to foster racial justice wherever we are (March 27)

All workshops will be held on Sundays from 3:00-5:00pm ET. They are being offered as a series so the workshops will build on each other but people can attend individual workshops.  A certificate of completion will be provided if all sessions are attended.  Workshops will not be recorded.

To register:

A zoom link will be provided shortly before the workshop.

Suggested donation: $10/workshop. 

Exploring What it Means to Be White: Getting Grounded
If you’re wondering:

  • What do people mean by “whiteness” and “racial equity?"
  • Why do still we have such racial disparities after all these years?
  • What do race and racism have to do with me as a white person?

Beyond Racism 101: A Workshop for White People to More Deeply Explore Race, Whiteness, and Racial Equity

This workshop will address:

  1. Questions and challenges we face as we try to embody our racial equity values and vision.
  2. Ways we enact our internalized racial superiority and white privilege.
  3. How to be our most conscious and powerful selves in efforts for racial justice.

*Why workshops for white people? People of color have called on white people to educate each other so they don’t always have to. These workshops are designed particularly for white people so we can do our own work without relying on people of color to teach us or take care of us. As we become more conscious and skilled, we can more productively engage in multi-racial contexts and create more authentic relationships across race.