
About Diane
Diane J. Goodman, Ed.D. (she/her) has been an educator and consultant on diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice issues for over three decades. She has worked with numerous organizations, community groups, schools, and universities to create environments that allow all people to feel valued, be treated fairly, and able to work together productively. Diane has been a professor at several universities and regularly presents at national and international conferences. She is the author of the book Promoting Diversity and Social Justice: Educating People from Privileged Groups (2nd ed.) and co-editor and contributor to Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice (3rd and 4th ed.) as well as other publications. Diane has been cited in the NY Times, Working Mother Magazine, the Associated Press (AP), and the Christian Science Monitor, and has been a consultant to the Museum of Natural History in NY and the documentary "White People" (2015) created by Jose Antonio Vargas and MTV. Her extensive and varied background enables her to bring a range of skills and perspectives to meet the needs of her clients. MORE

Our Approach

Recognizing Our Shared Humanity
Valuing Our Differences
Creating Environments Where Everyone Can Thrive

We address various dimensions of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice—the importance of engaging the head and the heart; developing awareness, knowledge, and skills; and addressing the individual, interpersonal, institutional, cultural, and systemic manifestations of inequities.

Our approach includes:
  • Collaborating with clients to identify their needs and build on current efforts
  • Individually designing programs to meet a client’s particular goals and contexts
  • Addressing the full range of social identities and systemic inequities using an intersectional lens
  • Offering engaging sessions that are experiential, inclusive, and practical
  • Using storytelling and dialogue to connect across differences, build authentic relationships, and develop understanding of different perspectives and experiences
  • Believing that people learn best when they feel respected not shamed and blamed
  • Providing flexible pricing for organizations with different resources (especially grassroots social change organizations)

Our work is based on the assumptions that who we are affects how we view and experience the world and that our differences do not need to divide us. All people are harmed by inequitable systems and can benefit from greater equity. Individuals, institutions, and society can be transformed; each of us can play a constructive role. Justice frees us all.